2013, wasn't that great. Obamacare wasn't what we needed all this time and the NSA took over. Two crappy consolescame out, and the old ones do much more than these ones (one wil send videos of you at your most intimate and private moments to the aforementioned NSA and punish you if you try to keep it from doing so.
Amid the bad movies, the media controversies that didn't last, and still being in a recession and war, it was a craptacular year, wasn't it?
The year was different for everybody, so I'll let you be the ultimate judge, but before deciding, know that all these happened as well:
*A child born with HIV, no longer needs medication and shows no signs of the virus. the child is 2/12 in 2013. Although the scientists responsible don't want to use the word 'cure', this is a medical breakthrough nonetheless
Violence in Iraq has increase with at least 7 thousand casualties
Google purchase Boston Dynamics, a DARPA contractor, and according to CNN Money has 'started the robotics revolution'
A working 3D printed ear from actual living cells was created
Embryonic cells were created with a 3D printer
Japan has created a working liver from blood and skin cells in hopes to solve the dwindling donor crisis worldwide
China's Chang'E 3 ship successfully landed on the moon
Since independence in 1944, the first incidence of a citzen being shot down by armed forces happened in Iceland. The police apologized to the man's family.
A direct ancestor to the T- Rex, Lytrhonax Argestes, was discovered in Utah
The spacecraft Gaia was launched to thoroughly and accurately map the solar system
Scientists have planted false memories in mice (not sure how they could tell)
Good year or bad, let hope all these pay off and don't end in disaster (or just worse).
Enjoy the new year
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