Friday, April 26, 2013


Who ruined vampires?

Do you really want an answer?

Do you?


Anyone who thinks something like vampires can be ruined is the reason they’re being ruined.

Vampires are a world wide belief with hundreds of variations of time and place.  They embody man’s fear of the unknown and being helpless, be it by nature, mistrust of his arranged wife, for a baby’s health, for stalkers that you’re never aware of, for your own instincts, for what happens when one dies—or supposedly does, for someone’s immortal soul. Vampire stories can have been any length, from flash fiction to long series of novels.  They span stories of all mediums for all ages across all genres.

Tell me, is it one person who wrote a few books who wants to snuff out thousands of years of history across the globe, or people who don’t like a few books and are willing to burn the rest along with them? 

If trying to end creativity is what those who dislike the series push for, then I, sadly, side against them.

For all the faults of her as a writer, trying to actively end creativity of another is not one of them.  Can you say that about yourself?  If not, you ruin far more than just vampires and have only yourself to blame.

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