Saturday, November 7, 2015

Boo! Poison candy? Either poison media or poison family

Halloween can be scary.  Kids and traffic don't mix; people take 'pranks' and phobias too far; and candy could have poison, drugs, or sharp objects in them.

Well, you don't need to fear the last one.  Those are just media scares.

Or are they?

With two exceptions, all cases of  'poisoned' Halloween candy were easily traced to the families of the victims.  Keep in mind, the exceptions were packets of marijuana so badly 'disguised' as marijuana that kids could tell and the perpetrator failed to use enough postage to mail them to anyone, and an unrelated case of sepsis.

Should you have been looking over your shoulder all this time at your family?  Probably not, as there were only two cases; one  where the candy offered by the dad had been too obviously tampered for the kids to trust it and a second where the child didn't get into candy at all, but a drug stash--the parents didn't want to look bad, so they sprinkled the rest of the drugs on candy.

The only non-myth has bee needles and razor blades, each time was in a candy where the wrapper had obviously been tampered with.

That leaves the real fear of Halloween: people dumb enough to eat candy when the packaged has been opened by a stranger.

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