Friday, May 24, 2013

Reboot your Reboot-Green Lantern

Things DC needs to reboot about the reboot

Hal Jordan.

Seriously, whoever is the Green Lantern in The New 52 is not Hal Jordan.  Hal Jordan does not insult people.  He is not a jerk.  He does not exclude people based on lack of powers or similar colors alone.  He is not a clown.

DC, this is a soft reboot.  Your characters are still who they used to be.  Hal Jordan was loving and caring to point of obsession, insanity, self-sacrifice, and even tedium.  This isn’t someone who’d do any of that.  This isn’t someone who’d trade his power ring if keeping it meant giving up the love of his life. This isn't someone so bent on good, people would call him dull.

You have several angry, joking, and laid back Green Lanterns.  You have even more beyond that.  Among hundreds of green lanterns, you intentionally choose on who doesn’t match the intended personality at all.

Your mistake with Hal goes even further. Guy Gardner was the first ‘real’ Green Lantern.  He made fun of people.  He didn’t play well with others. He wouldn’t shut up if he thought he had something to say, and it was rarely nice.  So where’d he go?

It seems Hal’s already begun his genocidal plans as Parallax, but it being far more subtle about it.  Far more subtle than you are about writing him, DC.

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