I have been living with my boyfriend for almost ten
years. Last month, he became my fiancé.
So, when bored, I set out to check out some ideas for a
wedding. Among the prices, refusals to
answer directly, and complications that arise (guest who want to come, people
forcing their adorable kid on you as a flowergirl, questions about changing
your name, and tons more), you don’t need the bad attitudes the internet has
let blossom with rampant trolling.
I sampled three wedding forums—having no clue about what to
do about having one of your own—and they varied wildly in terms of helpfulness,
politeness, and spam.
The first I tried was Birdes.com. this forum can be quite helpful, but
responses take a while to be received and they are few and far between. Most of what you will get in both responses
and forum threads are advertisements however.
It’s an okay slow forum for just getting ideas, but you’ll always feel
like you’ll be accepted. Even the ads
are polite.
Next, I tried weddingbee, as the site had an online garage
sale of wedding supplies. This was a
mistake. The forum is the internet
equivalent of a cliché high school clique.
If you’re ever lucky and get popular to be accepted—married or
engage—they’ll accept you with open arms…until you say one thing the whole
group has preemptively decided they don’t like.
This is not a site for having your own opinion. This is a site for others telling you to have
a wedding, even an ‘offbeat’ one. The
mods will agree with them even if you post ‘please don’t’ about a subject you
don’t want to be forced to change your mind (or life) about. I had to deactivate my account, as trolls
followed me to bother me on another thread.
Someone even commented that me saying ‘please don’t was why regs didn’t
like helping newbies.
Politeness-0/5 (this perhaps deserves a negative for the mod
who joine dup instead of reigned in what the should have)
The last I tried was Theknot.com. This is a forum I wish I had found
earlier. Discussions are rational and
fair and people bother explaining themselves instead of blaming you. Many posts are encouraging animations, but at
least people love what you do instead of ignore or belittle you. Somewhat helpful, but I am very grateful it
I’m still on my search for ideas, but it’s great having
these around, especially to explain things that baffle me about weddings.
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