Thursday, July 16, 2020

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will get you cancelled

I obviously rad a lot of Marvel.  Obviously, I'm a sexist and racist pig.  I'm white.  I'm automatically racist. I've never owned slaves, nor have my ancestors, some of whom died to end slavery, some of whom voted to keep a state in The Union and change the Mason-Dixon line and who moved to another stat that succeeded from The Confederacy when that failed, and others who were oppressed long before they came to the US (many of whom came before it was the Us and fought for its independence) and not considered 'white' until the 1900s and purely for racist reasons they had no say in.

 My favorite character in X-men isn't a man.  How dare the team use the word man?  ....In a language where 'man' often refers to 'mankind' and is derived from the German word 'Mann' which can be used to mean the same thing and sometimes can mean 'people'.

She is Storm.  She is tall, but not heavy set.  Uh oh.  She doesn't like wearing much,  Well shit. a woman from Africa worshipped as a  goddess doesn't like wearing much in African heat and doesn't need it to protect her when she can command the weather and feels comfortable wearing what she wants.  That's certainly problematic... because people say it is.

Speaking of Marvel, remember when Professor X went to Savage Land?  Man, was that a clustercrap.  Fighting dinosaurs and being racist.  Except for the last part.  That only happened retroactively this year a few months ago.  We can't have the word 'savage' to describe anything anymore, now can we?

Wait, I like Morbius, who is Greek.  Is that good or bad these days? They can't be white, because many Mediterranean people have dark or 'swarthy' skin.  But Morbius is pale, probably due to mixed ancestry since the ancient Greeks and especially since the Byzantines.  People from all over Europe settled in Greece and still do and to be a  Greek citizen, your race is 'Greek'.

Michael's best friend is Max.  He's white.  That's bad.  He's gay.  That's good. He's married to Hector, who is gay and probably Hispanic, given his last name.  Those are both good.  But he's white.  That's bad.

What else is there to pointlessly get panties in a twist over that's entirely meaningless?  How about all power rangers other than the gold and silver ones? White, Red, Yellow, Black, Plink, Blue?  We can't have the word 'Power' next to any of those, now can we?  And we can't have people of certain races portraying the.  Except, that's discrimination.  What now?

Why is there white bread, but not black bread?  Why do schools use blackboards and office jobs to use whiteboards and you need separate writing materials to use them?  Why are there Germans but not Gerwomans? Why is it okay if white men can't jump but bad if black men ain't got no rhythm? Why are there black olives, but no white olives?  Who the hell is olive-colored anyway?

But let's ignore the high rate of black-on-black crime, 60,000 white people dying to end slavery (and that's ignoring survivors, spies, undocumented soldiers, and those who contributed in other ways to help end slavery, the far more massive amount of slaves of various races, including white, by the Ottomans, slavery today, child soldiers, male rape, police brutality against women and the disabled, and cultures that hide behind 'diversity in order to have children mutilated and raped and how much they get away with it.

There is a simple answer to figure out which is important and which isn't.  Heck. the same answer will tell you the answer to most of them.

Use that brain you were born with.  Really use it.  It's capable of finding new elements, discovering history, finding out new aspects of the earth, ocean, and space. It's capable of new technology and art. Most and simplest of all, it's capable of knowing real kindness and real help.

Next time: more filler.  I promise I'll get back to comics soon.

My novel: (paperback) (Kindle)

My comic: (Morbius fan comic)

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